We've become increasingly aware that many of our customers, new and old, aren't familiar with the varying types of work we do and how our employee owned culture sets us apart from others.
Our bad.
So, we went back to the drawing board, and reconsidered our message. A comprehensive rebrand, led by professional consultants, would allow us to propel ourselves into a new era for DVL. We have grown in our abilities and our national footprint. By rebranding, we aren't changing who we are or what we do, but rather how we talk about ourselves.
With that being said, please allow us to reintroduce ourselves...

DVL is your product sales and solution expert for your critical environment in the Greater Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Denver, Albuquerque, and Salt Lake City markets. We work beyond just selling great products—we evaluate your need, create the solution, apply the right product, and service it for the entire life cycle. Learn more.