For HVAC Emergencies: 1-866-DVL-HVAC | For UPS Emergencies: 1-800-LIEBERT
For Generator Emergencies in CO, NM, or WY:303-953-3128
For HVAC Emergencies, please call 1-866-DVL-HVAC
DVL is your local Vertiv office offering Liebert products featuring the most reliable and efficient data center equipment in the market.
Uninterruptible power. Thermal Management. Infrastructure. Monitoring.
The Right Products
We apply the right products into efficient design applications and innovative solutions. DVL services an entire portfolio of products from the industry leader Vertiv to Starline to Haskris for your mission critial power, cooling, and monitoring needs.
Our goal is to provide the best data center infrastructure solutions available, whether you are an enterprise data center or in the cloud.
Trusted Experts
Our engineers are experts in applying data center design best practices. This provides customers with reliable, energy-efficient technology.
From consultation and design to service and maintenance to program management, we plan the whole picture to reduce disruption, risk, and costs for your mission critical systems.
Electrical Distribution
Wireless Monitoring
Custom Controls for
Philadelphia | Albuquerque | Denver | Harrisburg | Salt Lake City
Headquarters: 115 Sinclair Rd., Bristol, PA 19007