As we wrap up January, we hope you found value in the Liebert Air Conditioning information that DVL and Vertiv have presented.
We have discussed:
- How to deal with the upcoming phase-out of R-22
- AHRI certification and why it is important for various CRAC and CRAH units
- Energy saving through either replacement or retrofit of Liebert AC units
- Trends of CRAC and CRAH retrofit activity
Additionally, ASHRAE wrapped up their winter meeting last week, and Vertiv was prominently present with their Liebert products. Significant items that were announced and displayed were:
- Vertiv VRC rack cooling system for network closets
- New Minimates for small spaces that consume 30% less energy
- iCOM CMS monitoring system for small spaces
- 50kw Rack Door with fans
- Liebert DSE Optimization to increase efficiency of CRAC units by 50%
Please contact your DVL Data Center Engineer to learn how we can help you.