The Data Center Infrastructure Challenge

by Mike Rinaldi on 8/1/12 10:45 AM

[Data Center Journal]

To support the increasing demands of the enterprise, data centers have become denser and more complex. Unfortunately, data center managers often must rely on fragmented, historical data to manage this complexity. One specific consequence of the lack of real-time visibility across data center systems is significant inefficiencies in the allocation of physical resources, including power, cooling and space. With the added challenges of increasing energy costs and stricter regulatory requirements, these inefficiencies are hindering overall growth and have become an industry-wide problem.

data center

The problem is that the tools used to provide access and control of IT systems are different from those used to monitor the physical facilities infrastructure, and in the past the two sets of tools have not been able to “talk” to one another. This situation has required organizations to purchase multiple products for KVM, service processor management, power monitoring and sensor control.

What has been missing is true, real-time data center infrastructure management (DCIM).

> Read full article here



Topics: Emerson Network Power, data center infrastructure, reduce cost, Data Center, Green IT, data center energy, data center infrastructure management, robust data center

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