Michael Potts | May 29, 2012
With more and more companies offering some type of Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) solution (see Appendix 1 of the DCK Guide to DCIM for a partial list of vendors), it is difficult to narrow down a defined set of functional components. There are some critical elements found in many of the solutions, which include:
- Asset, Change and Configuration Management
- Real-Time Monitoring
- Workflow
- Analytics and Reporting
- Visualization of the Physical and Virtual Infrastructure
- User Interface
- Capacity Planning
- Integration with Other Data Center Management Solutions
What are the 4 Trends Driving the Future of Data Center Infrastructure Design and Management?
This is the third article in the Data Center Knowledge Guide to DCIM series. To download the complete DCK Guide to DCIM click here.
Click here and then click on What Functionality is Important for DCIM Solutions to read the entire article.