Trellis may refer to:
1. An architectural structure often used to support plants
2. A special kind of graph, often used in coding
3. A lattice
4. Quantization, a method of improving data compression, often used in video compression
5. An outodoor garden frame which can be used for partitioning a common area
6. A trestle, a bridge that consists of a number of short spans
In the Data Center world - the Trellis platform represents a groundbreaking innovation from Emerson Network Power - one that bridges the gap between IT and Facilities. Trellis helps IT and Facilities connect, communicate and control all assets within the data center. The intelligence build into the platform allows you to execute decisions in real-time and then immedidately validate and assess the impact on your critical infrastructure.
Learn more about Data Center Infrastructure Management & Trellis at the DVL event on May 9 or 10: