For HVAC Emergencies: 1-866-DVL-HVAC | For UPS Emergencies: 1-800-LIEBERT
For Generator Emergencies in CO, NM, or WY:303-953-3128
For HVAC Emergencies, please call 1-866-DVL-HVAC
Whether you are looking for uninterruptible power for a network closet, a small server room, or an enterprise or cloud data center, there is a Liebert® UPS that will meet or exceed your needs. Selecting the right UPS is key to protecting your company for an unplanned power outage. Liebert® offers complete Power Distribution, from the output of the UPS, down to the rack mounted PDU.
Use our UPS Capacity guide below to view our Liebert® power products by size range.
Capacity | Description | Product |
500 - 3000VA | Rack mount single phase on line | GXT5 UPS |
800VA - 5000VA | Rack mount single phase off line | PSI5 UPS |
5-20 kVA | Rack or floor mount single phase | Liebert APS UPS |
8 and 10 kVA, 208/220V | Rack mount three phase | ITA2 |
10, 15, 20 and 30 kVA/kW, 208/220V | Floor mount three phase | Liebert EXS UPS |
10-250 kVA | Floor mount three phase | Liebert EXM UPS |
625-1200 kVA | Floor mount three phase | Liebert EXL |
1000-1200 kVA | Floor mount three phase | Liebert EXL S1 |
400 kW to 1.6 MW | Modular, hot-scalable, transformer-free UPS | Trinergy |
250-1100 kVA | Floor mount three phase - Transformer-based | Liebert NXL |
Batteries and Flywheels | UPS Energy Storage Alternatives |